Improving The lives

 Of People With 

Visual Impairments

ADDIS Foundation for Community Health is for educating blind children and adults and preventing preventable blindness in Ethiopia. We use a comprehensive approach that includes medical management, emphasizes healthcare workforce capacity building, community health and education, and focusing on resourcing those who are affected by visual impairments.

Medical Management

Time equals vision!

ADDIS Foundation for Community Health  visions every patient who needs eye care receive immediate medical treatment with no waiting.  

Healthcare Workforce Capacity Building

Prevention is better than cure!

Training  healthcare professionals ensures sustainable solution to vision impairments. Healthcare professionals, including nurses have  opportunity  advocating for  resources to get to individuals and communities in need. Promotion of good personal hygiene, proper hand washing practice, environmental sanitation, and balanced nutrition, prevents preventable vision loss. 

Empowering Blind Children And Adults

Education is  a powerful tool to empower our blind children and adults! Providing them instructional tools (example: white canes and braille materials) and basic necessities such as food and clothing,  helps them attain skills and training they need to be productive members of society.


Problems: Eye Vision Impairments:

Solutions: ADDIS  Foundation for Community Health determines to fill a gap to reduce the burden of visual impairments on individuals and society.

 The  three primary programs @ADDIS Foundation for Community Health are:

 3. Educating blind children and adults   

Examples of specific measures include:

Progress: Since we begin our program in 2018,  we are able to establish a genuine relationships with a number of organizations and individuals and  bring valuable services to our program participants in Ethiopia . We received a few certificates of recognition that we are  humbled and take pride of.

 Below are the Achievement statements at January’s 2020 gift exchange event 

The following are direct quotes taken at the gift (white canes) exchange ceremony at Sidist KIllo, Ethiopian National Association for the Blind

ADDIS Foundation  for Community Health opens  opportunities